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Pictures of Harley, adopted at 3 months old from the shelter... (summer 2001)

Named Harley  (after the motorcycles) for his purr

As a youngster, Harley liked to fetch rubber balls and chase rope and "kill it" then drag it home.

He also enjoys his catnaps - preferably on top of someone, belly rubs, jumping out from behind furniture to jump in front of you. He used to think it was fun to jump up on my leg and "dance" with me until I convinced him this wasn't too fun for me (especially when he forgot that his nails were still out). All of these pictures are of when he was younger and some when very young.

Getting a bit older here, with his favorite toy - a piece of rope. Below he is found in his kitty jail fighting with the jail rat.

Here he is packing away the kitten chow he dropped on the floor when he was about 4-5 months old. he likes his kitten chow, and that is still the only thing he gets fed. End of commercial - but it was cool that they had a website where you can ask questions about your kitten/kitty and get a free new age-ish cd to keep kitty company while you are away.